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Q: Is Steve wynn a robber baron or captain of industry?
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J. D. Rockefeller was considered both a robber baron and a captain of industry.

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Was bill gates a robber baron or a captain of industry?

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No he was a Robber Baron of Industry.

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He was a captain of industry

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Vanderbilt was not considered a captain of industry. Instead, he was considered a robber baron.

Was Cornelius Vanderbilt a captain of industry?

Cornelius Vanderbilt was not considered a captain of industry as he was more of a entrepreneur. He wasconsidered a robber baron.

Was Andrew Carnegie a Captain of Industry or a Robber Baron?

robber barron. he stole money from people's houses and out of there pockets

Was J. D. Rockerfeller a robber baron or a captain of industry?

he invetned the steel industury -- Actually he was the "main guy" in the oil industry. Carnegie was steel. I would say he is a Robber Baron because he started a monopoly and basically told other oil companies that they would either have to sign a trust (which basically allows him to take over their business and give a small dividend to the trustee) or he would run them out of business. --

Was Cornelius Vanderbilt a robber baron or captain of industry?

He has been called both. Neither term has a precise definition, so any answer would be subjective.

Was John W. Mackay a Robber Baron or a Captain of Industry?

John W Mackay was the opposite of a Robber Baron. He brought competition to the telegraph industry and reduced the price of telegraphs. He treated his workers fairly. The Robber Barons established cartels and cheated their workers. They ran sweat shops. They kept prices unnecessarily high. They destroyed competition.