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No the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is US Territory.
No. Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States the same as The Virgin Islands, Guam, The Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa. Puerto Rico's official status is Commonwealth of the United States of America. (Estado Libre Asociado de Los Estados Unidos)

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12y ago

No. Puerto Rico has been a territory of the U.S.A. since 1898. It is currently known as a Commonwealth of the United States.

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What is Puerto Rico of the us?

Puerto Rico is a Commonweath in Free Association with the United States. In US constitutional terms it is an organized territory of the United States. It is not one of the 50 states in the union.

What power does the president of Puerto Rico have?

There is no President of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is part of the US, so the President of the United States is the head of state for Puerto Rico, as for the rest of the US.

Puerto rico is a US what?

Puerto Rico is an unincorporated organized territory of the United States.

How is Obama the President of Puerto Rico?

He is the President of the United States and Puerto Rico is a US Territory.

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Puerto Rico is not a U.S. state.

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Puerto Rico is a part of the United States and uses American currency.

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Puerto Rico does not have ambassadors since it is US Territory.

If you were born in Puerto Rico but you live in Florida do you need passport to travel to Puerto Rico?

no because puerto rico and united states have the same gov. and the us owns puerto rico

What country controlled Puerto Rico?

Spain followed by the United States.

Puerto Rico's current status in relation to US?

Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States.

What is the US relationship with Puerto Rico politically?

Puerto Rico has a republican form of government, subject to U.S. jurisdiction and sovereignty. Its current powers are all delegated by the United States Congress and lack full protection under the United States Constitution. Puerto Rico's head of state is the President of the United States.

Is Puerto Rico one state of US?

Puerto Rico is not the state of US ,it is a self-governing commonwealth associated with the United States.