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Minos is supposed to be just the name of the mythical king of Crete, but it is not clear if it was really a name or a title, the Cretan word for "king", or the name of a particular king that was subsequently used as a title. It is true that there is a similarity between Minos and the names of other ancient founder-kings, such as Menes of Egypt, Mannus of Germany, Manu of India, etc.

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Q: Is Minos the Cretan word for king?
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A bull that was said to breathe fire. The Cretan Bull was the property of King Minos, and this was the seventh labor given to Hercules by King Eurystheus.

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"Minoan" is the adjective form of "Minos"; "Minos" was the name of an ancient, probably mythical king of Crete. (Alternatively, "Minos" may have been the Cretan word for "king".) In Greek legend and mythology, Minos had an elaborate maze named the "Labyrinth", in which he kept a monster named for himself, the "Minotaur".Minos' city was Knossos, on the north central coast of Crete, near 35 20N 020 08E."Minoan" could be applied descriptively to clothing, architecture or pottery made near or in the style of ancient Crete.

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The Minoan civilization was named after King Minos, the mythical king of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa. After his death, Minos along with his brothers, Rhadamanthys and Sarpedon, became a judge of the dead in Hades.(See also Minotaur, the legend monster which was living in the Labyrinth at King Mino's palace.)

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Can you give me a sentence using king Minos?

I've never met King Minos. King Minos ordered the building of the labyrinth.

Who was the minotaur realeaped to?

I'm guessing you mean "related to". The Minotaur was the offspring of Minos' wife, Pasiphae, and the Cretan Bull.

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King Minos didn't have powers. He was mortal.

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King Minos had imprisoned them in the Cretan Labyrinth,and they were to be killed. It is possible that the labyrinth had no roof, Anyway Daedalus was the architect of the labyrinth and knew his way about it. "High tower"? No!

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Why was the labyrinth in greek mythology?

Bc King Minos wanted it built and King Minos was a King during the Mythology period

Was Ariadne a Greek goddess?

yes she was. I am not sure of what, but she was.AnswerAriadne ( from a Cretan-Greek form for arihagne, "utterly pure" ) was a fertility goddess of Crete, and was the first divine personage of Greek mythology to be immediately recognized in Crete. She wasn't just a "fertility" goddess, she was THE Goddess. The was the creatrix, she was the top dog in the mythologies until the Sky gods pushed her out of the way, and in later myths she was diminished to King Minos daughter, not even divine.