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Gandhi's philosophy included ideas such as the following:

(1) Gandhi believed that at the core of every religion was truth and love (compassion, nonviolence and The Golden Rule). In fact, later in his life when he was asked whether he was a Hindu, he replied: "Yes I am. I am also a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist and a Jew."

(2) resistance to tyranny by totally non-violent civil disobedience (However, Gandhi was aware that this level of nonviolence required incredible faith and courage, which he realized not everyone possessed. He therefore advised that everyone need not keep to nonviolence, especially if it were used as a cover for cowardice.)

To answer the question:

Yes, a philosophy that includes ideas such as those above is certainly relevant today. As our planet seems to shrink under a rapidly growing world population, more and more people, likely from backgrounds diverse in faith and culture, are going to find themselves on one another's doorsteps. In an age where technology can significantly multiply the destructive power of an individual, a philosophy of non-violence and tolerance is certainly relevant.

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