No. The Library of Congress number is used in the same way as the Dewey Decimal Number: for shelf organization.
Their debate was on how each State would be represented in the Congress. Large states wanted to have the Number of representatives based upon the Population and the small states wanted it to be equal number for each state. The answer was to have a Congress made up of 2 Houses: (A) House of Representativves based upon a State's population and (B) Congress which has equal senators elected from each state.
The New Jersy plan is when each state big or small would have the same number of represenitives in congress. In this way each state would have equal power.
To maintain their voting power in Congress.
The smaller states wanted equal representation in Congress with the larger states.
its equal to the number of senators and representatives in Congress.
the congress
Why did Congress create the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?
Each state has a number of electors equal to the number of its Senators and Representatives in the United States Congress.By the number of seats each State has in Congress
Each state has a number of electors equal to the number of its Senators and Representatives in the United States Congress.By the number of seats each State has in Congress
Each state currently has a certain amount of electors which depends on their population size. The number of electors in each state is equal to this number. The more members of congress for each state, the greater amount of "say" the state has in the elections.
The total number of electors equal the number of Congress-people from every state. There are two Senators from every state and House of Representative members are based on population.
Their debate was on how each State would be represented in the Congress. Large states wanted to have the Number of representatives based upon the Population and the small states wanted it to be equal number for each state. The answer was to have a Congress made up of 2 Houses: (A) House of Representativves based upon a State's population and (B) Congress which has equal senators elected from each state.
The number of electoral votes that a state has is equal to the number of Representatives and Senators for that state. The total equals 435 for the house of Representatives and 100 for the Senate plus three for the District of Columbia.
The US Congress passed the Equal Pay Act in 1963. in the UK in 1970.
The Senate is the house of Congress that is based on equal representation. The House of Representatives is numbered based on the population of the state but the Senate has equal representation for even states with a lower population.