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No. Genevieve is Germanic in origin meaning "clan woman". Guinevere is Welsh in origin meaning "white/fair magical being". The diminutive of both names would be Gwen.

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No, it is not. Although the two names look a little bit similar, they seem to have two entirely different origins. Genevieve comes from the German, and while its meaning is not clear, most sources say it means "from the race of women." (Other sources say it means "white wave.") Guinevere seems to come from Norman French or Welch, and it means either "fair one" (the old meaning of "fair" was "beautiful") or "smooth."

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Of education.I can find no patronages for St. Jennifer of Athelburgh. In fact, I can find very little information about her. The name Jennifer is also contemporary derivative of St. Genevieve, St. Jane and St. Joan. Some of these saints do have patron saint duties.There is no "St. Jennifer" that I was able to find. However, once we note that the name "Jennifer" is a Cornish variant of the Welsh name "Guinevere" then we come upon a possible solution. St. Winifred of Wales is also known as "St. Guinevere of Wales." She is probably the closest thing to a "St. Jennifer" that we have in our current list of saints.Jennifer is a contemporary derivative of Genevieve and, yes, there is a Saint Genevieve.

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