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it is Said in The Bible a Man From the Middle East , Will Bring Love , Trust , Peace ,

and He Will Bring the World into Plaig , and i Don't Think Obama Will

He's Nothing But a Meer Mortal.

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Q: Is Barack going to end the world?
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go ask him

Is the world going to end on the 21st?

No. The world is not going to end.

Are you sure the world going to end?

No the world is not going to end

Is the world going to end because of Barack Obama?

heck yeah, i just know it is!!! i was reading this book about st. Micheal the archangel and it said that the end of the world is going to come when an anti- christ man tries to change the world and make it bad. then st Micheal is going to come and conquer him. and you know the 2012 prediction, i think it is true. it will be obamas 4th year in office at the height of his reign and the world will be evil because of him.

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the world is not going 2 end in 2012 because it did not end in 2000

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No the world is not going to end because we believe in the lord that we are going to live till he wants us to live if he created the earth then he will decide when he wants the world to end

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is the world going to end on december.23 2012

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The world is not going to end in 2012.

What year did people think the world was going to end?

they thought the world was going to end in 2012

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there is never going to be a end of the world

Is the world going to end Saturday?

The world is not going to end. who ever told you that the world is gonna end that's a lie. i know it was in the newsapaper this week, but only god know's when its gonna end and if it is be prepared but no its not going to end ok

Is the word really going to end on December 21 2012?

no i dont thihk the world is going to end people said the world was going to end in 2,000