usually this means your motherboard doesn't recognize your model of CPU. it will run fine, it just doesn't know exactly what kind of CPU you have. try updating your bios.
The first Intel CPU to feature external cache was the Intel Pentium Pro. External cache is also referred to as L2 cache, while internal cache is called L1 cache.
CPU, which stands for Central Processing Unit. Intel is probably the worlds largest producer of CPUs, which are now used in both PCs and Apple Mac computers. The term CPU is also sometimes used to refer to the whole computer case containing the CPU and other components.
The CPUID is unique to the processor model. Although Intel at one time tried to push a unique number for each individual processor, they no longer do this.
The MITS Altair 8800 was a microcomputer design from 1975, based on the Intel 8080 CPU and sold as a mail-order kit. Today the Altair is widely recognized as the spark that led to the personal computer revolution.
IBMFreescaleIntelAMDRockwell-CollinsTexas InstrumentsAnalog Devices (Digital Signal Processors)NvidiaThe original "IBM and the 7 dwarfs" of the 1960s were:IBMUnivacHoneywellBurroughsControl Data CorporationNCRRCAGeneral Electric
A CPU manufactured by the Intel Corporation
what was the operating temperature of the cpu for the intel celeron g540
Intel manufactures the Pentium CPU brand of microprocessors. Intel stands for Integrated Electronics and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.
Pentium D was the first dual-core cpu.
Intel Company and Amd Company designs and builds the essential technologies and produce Intel CPU for Canada and USA. They both have a large sector of CPU markets.
Intel and AMD
cisc cpu
Intel is the leading brand in CPU processors.
The best CPU right now is the Intel Core i7
there are 3 different CPU's that i know of, intel, celeron and amd