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Q: Instruments used in Spain
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How did the roman army use their instruments?

If you mean musical instruments, the Roman army used their horns (lituus, cornu and buccina) to send out signals. If you mean fighting instruments such as javelins, swords, catapults, etc. they were used in battles and sieges.If you mean musical instruments, the Roman army used their horns (lituus, cornu and buccina) to send out signals. If you mean fighting instruments such as javelins, swords, catapults, etc. they were used in battles and sieges.If you mean musical instruments, the Roman army used their horns (lituus, cornu and buccina) to send out signals. If you mean fighting instruments such as javelins, swords, catapults, etc. they were used in battles and sieges.If you mean musical instruments, the Roman army used their horns (lituus, cornu and buccina) to send out signals. If you mean fighting instruments such as javelins, swords, catapults, etc. they were used in battles and sieges.If you mean musical instruments, the Roman army used their horns (lituus, cornu and buccina) to send out signals. If you mean fighting instruments such as javelins, swords, catapults, etc. they were used in battles and sieges.If you mean musical instruments, the Roman army used their horns (lituus, cornu and buccina) to send out signals. If you mean fighting instruments such as javelins, swords, catapults, etc. they were used in battles and sieges.If you mean musical instruments, the Roman army used their horns (lituus, cornu and buccina) to send out signals. If you mean fighting instruments such as javelins, swords, catapults, etc. they were used in battles and sieges.If you mean musical instruments, the Roman army used their horns (lituus, cornu and buccina) to send out signals. If you mean fighting instruments such as javelins, swords, catapults, etc. they were used in battles and sieges.If you mean musical instruments, the Roman army used their horns (lituus, cornu and buccina) to send out signals. If you mean fighting instruments such as javelins, swords, catapults, etc. they were used in battles and sieges.

What instruments are used in east Africa?


How was music a part of an Africans life When was music played what instruments did they use?

African music was a big thing. they used a lot of percussion instruments. & things such as bongos. they often used call & response in there songs

Where did the word 'Philippines' come from?

The Philippines was named after King Philip of Spain. The Philippines used to be a colony of Spain.

Who owned Morocco?

Morocco was split between France and Spain.

Related questions

What instruments do they use in Spain?

Some traditional instruments used in Spain include the guitar, castanets, flamenco guitar, and Spanish bagpipes known as gaita. These instruments are commonly used in various genres of Spanish music, from flamenco to classical.

Is the guitar from Mexico or Spain?

Neither. The first guitar instruments were originated in central Asia and India. However, they were later adopted by Europeans and among them there were Spanish guitarists. Later, when Spain colonized the Americas, the guitar became part of the many musical instruments used for local performances. New Spain (now Mexico) was one of the many colonies that "imported" such instruments from Spain.

Is the ukulele from Spain?

It is indirectly from Spain. The stringed instruments of Spain were also found in Portugal. It was the Portuguese that brought their instruments to Hawaii and there they evolved into the ukulele.

What types of instruments are used in the music of Spain?

Typical music of Spain is the Flamenco and it usually features the classical guitar and the use of castañuelas (castanets).

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What instruments are used in Tasmania?

As Tasmania is one of Australia's states, the instruments used there will be the same as the instruments used throughout Australia. there is a great variety of westernised instruments, as well as instruments from other cultures.

Where did wood wind instruments originate from?

many places like germany, spain.

Where British Music originated from?

Many instruments reached the British Isles through Spain. Some of these instruments, including the lute, were ultimately of Arabic origin.

What instruments are used in rave bands?

The instruments used in rave bands are electronic instruments. They do not use actual instruments that you hold in your hand, everything is done electronically.

What instruments are used in justice crew's boom boom?

No instruments are used in this song

Who was anto trees?

Over 400 years ago, Anto Trees invented the first guitar in Spain. Of all the musical instruments in existence, the guitar is the most heavily used.

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