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The Iron Curtain, a term invented by the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

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Q: Inmaginary line dividing the capitalist west from the communist east?
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How were the proxy wars of east Asia different than those of the middle east and Afghanistan?

The Proxy Wars in Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Afghanistan actively pitted Communist guerrillas or armies (supported by the Soviets and Chinese - Communist-bloc) against Capitalist/Fascist dictatorships (supported by the US and NATO - Capitalist-bloc). Conversely, the Proxy Wars in the Middle East did not involve Communist guerrillas, but rather the Communist-bloc stood by Arab Socialism and the Capitalist-bloc stood by Israel and convenient other allies.The other major difference is that the Proxy Wars in Southeast Asia and East Asia were, by and large, successful for the Communist-bloc, but the Proxy Wars in the Middle East were, by and large, successful for the Capitalist-bloc.

Which side of Berlin was communist?

The East side of Berlin was controlled by the U.S.S.R and was communist, while the West side was controlled by the U.S. and was capitalist.

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East Germany was state capitalist, not Communist. Communism means no state, no classes, no money, no borders, no poverty.

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The main differences between West and East Germany was that West Germany was a Democratic Capitalist state while East Germany was a self declared 'socialist state' (though more commonly it is labeled Communist).

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Berlin. It surrounded West Berlin, so people couldn't get from communist East Germany into Capitalist West Berlin.

Where is the Berlin Wall?

Berlin. It surrounded West Berlin, so people couldn't get from communist East Germany into Capitalist West Berlin.

Where is the wall of Berlin?

Berlin. It surrounded West Berlin, so people couldn't get from communist East Germany into Capitalist West Berlin.

During the Korean War which 3 countries wanted control of Korea?

Korea (backed by the capitalist west) China (backed by the communist east)

Which part of Germany practiced capitalism?

West Germany remained capitalist when East Germany was part of the Soviet Union, and therefore communist.

Why did East Germany not let people go up to the Berlin wall?

Because the Berlin Wall was built by the east German communist rulers to prevent east German people from escaping to the capitalist west.

Why was the berlinwall built?

The wall of Berlin was built my the Soviet Union to separate the communist East Berlin from capitalist West Berlin. This was done to prevent massive population migrations from the East to the West.

Compare Germany today with Germany in 1962?

The most obvious difference is that in 1962, Germany was not a single country, but East Germany (communist) and West Germany (capitalist).