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peasants often live in small houses crammed together.

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Q: Info on peasants in ancient china?
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Related questions

How many room are there in a peasants home in ancient china?

One or two homes depending on the size

Were the peasants in ancient China considered in a higher rank?

Because they provided food and crafts for others.

Who payed the landlord by giving him a portion of his crops in ancient China?

The Chinese peasants who lived on the landlord's estate.

What is the main characteristics of ancient China feudalism?

ancient Chinese feudalism is when the peasants live on the kings land and give him crops in return for military protection

What can the Book of Songs tell us about life in ancient China?

it can tell you how the classes were and the higher class and above the peasants

Who did Mao Zedong appear to in China?

Mao Zedong appealed to peasants in China.

Did ancient Rome have peasants?

EVERY civilization has peasants!

What was poverty like in ancient china?

PoVeRtY iN ANcIeNt ChInA wAs VeRy BaD. PeAsAnTs HaD tO wOrK aLl DaY aNd AlL night growing crops and EVERYTHING <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Why were merchants not respected in china during the tang and song dynasties?

Merchants were not respected in Ancient China because they were thought as greedy and unproductive people. Locals thought that merchants did not help their country in any way.

When was the han dynast?

The Han Dynast was a dynasty in ancient china. it went from 200 BC to 200 CE. You can learn more about it on go to ancient china then Han dynasty tons of info.

What was the two classes in ancient china?

There were four main classes of rank in ancient china, as decided and proposed by the scholars and officials of that time. In order; The Shi - the scholars and officials The Nong - the peasants and farmers The Gong - the artists and craftsmen The Shang - the merchants and traders

What are some pictures of ancient China's social classes?

1st is the kings and nobles 2nd is the scholars 3rd is the peasants 4th is the craftsmen 5th is the merchants.