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Who contracted themselves to unpaid labor in return for their passage to America along with room and board during the contract period.

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Q: Indentured servants were English man and women?
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Who is Gottlieb Mittelberger?

Gottlieb Mittelberger was a German man who went to Philadelphia as a school master, he travelled on the same ship as indentured servants then wrote about the situation of the indentured servants in his diary which was published in 1898 IN Germany.

What was the impact of eunuchs on women?

None, which is the point of turning a man into a eunuch. Only in Muslim hareems they had some sort of impact, being the guards ands servants of the women of the Sultan living there.

What is the event known as Bacon's Rebellion?

It was when a group of indentured servants in colonial Virginia led by a man named Nathaniel Bacon revolted burned down Jamestown and controlled part of Virginia before Bacon died of a fever. After Bacon died the rest of the rebels were captured and hanged.

Why was the glass armonica important?

SEX is when a women and man combine, like when a man sticks his penis into a women's butt.

Were there free Africans living in Virginia?

No, there were not free africans living in virginia. But most colonies above it there were free africans But very few and the evidence is sparce. A few indentured servants of African ancestory had been brought to Jamestown even before the "twenty and odd" Angolans were sold there in 1619. Some completed their terms of servitude and were freed. The race of slaves and indentured servants was often indicated in documents (usually with no name listed), but not the race of a freedman. The earliest reference appears to be in a 1624 court document where "John Phillip, a black man christened in England" testified against a white defendant. Some of the original "twenty and odd" were permitted to raise cattle and crops and eventually purchase their freedom. By 1850 several black families owned farms around Jamestown, some even employing white servants. In 1670, a law was enacted which forbid the purchase of "Christian servants by Negros or Indians." Such a law would have been unnecessary if there were no free blacks. By 1700, census data identifies a few black citizens: John Graweere was an officer of the court, Margaret Cornish the daughter-in-law of a legislator, and John Pedro a member of the militia.

Related questions

Who is Gottlieb Mittelberger?

Gottlieb Mittelberger was a German man who went to Philadelphia as a school master, he travelled on the same ship as indentured servants then wrote about the situation of the indentured servants in his diary which was published in 1898 IN Germany.

What was a indentured servants?

An indentured servant was a man or woman who - often as a result of heavy debts - sold himself into the service of his creditor to work off his debt. Although the person who did this remained technically a free man, he was not free to refuse to work when and where his boss/creditor decided to put him to work - unpaid of course, since this was how the indentured servant worked off his debt. For many, indentured service was very much akin to slavery.

Who is john punch and what sentence did he receive?

John Punch was an enslaved African man in the American colonies who attempted to escape in 1640 with two other indentured servants. When they were caught, Punch received a life sentence as a result. This is considered one of the first cases to legally establish slavery in the English colonies.

What is the plural of maid servant?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun for a male is manservant.The noun for a female is maidservant.

What was the impact of eunuchs on women?

None, which is the point of turning a man into a eunuch. Only in Muslim hareems they had some sort of impact, being the guards ands servants of the women of the Sultan living there.

How did an indentured servant pay for passage to america?

No. You see indentured servants wanted to come to America, but did not have money to do so. So, a wealthy landowner of sorts would pay for this man to come to America. In return they would work for a certain number of years. And when they had paid of there debt, the landowner would grant them with land, tools, and money to get them started as American citizens.

Why did puritans believe that witches were the servants of the devil?

Puritans believed that witches were the servants or sexual assistants of the devil. They believed that women who did not live with a man were at the greatest risk for being seduced by the devil. They linked witchcraft with the devil and hell.

What is a collie man?

A collie man is a term used to refer to someone who breeds or works with collie dogs, specifically the Border Collie or Scottish Collie breeds known for their intelligence and herding abilities. It can also refer to a character in the song "Collie Man" by Slightly Stoopid, which celebrates the use of cannabis.

How many African American served in the revolutionary war?

About 10,000 slaves enlisted in the British army and 5,000 in the Continental army (American army). So the answer is roughly 15,000 fought in the revolution.There were approximately 500,000 Slaves in the Colonies during the revolution of that it is not known how many were Black, White or Asian. Of these it is not exactly sure how many were from Africa. Of these about 80,000 were killed or escaped never to be found again.You see back then it wasn't just African's or blacks that were slaves.Example: Anthony Johnson was one of the first Slave owners in the Colonies, Massachusetts. He was a Black man that was an 'indentured' servant who after his servitude ended he moved from Virginia to Mass and bought 3 indentured servants. Two of them escaped and were tried and they became lifetime indentured servants, slaves. Of these two men one was black and one was white.I hope this helps

What is the event known as Bacon's Rebellion?

It was when a group of indentured servants in colonial Virginia led by a man named Nathaniel Bacon revolted burned down Jamestown and controlled part of Virginia before Bacon died of a fever. After Bacon died the rest of the rebels were captured and hanged.

Can a man and women of English and Egyptian nationality sleep together if they are not married?

it up to u and him now

What is the English term for babaero?

The English term for "babaero" is "womanizer." It refers to a man who has a tendency to pursue romantic or sexual relationships with multiple women.