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The ridge of a trench is the parapet.

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its called a firestep

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Q: In ww1what do you call the ridge of the trench?
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What is the opposite of a trench?

The opposite of a trench would be an embankment, berm, or dike.(the opposite of a marine trench is a seamount or ridge)

What is the difference in a trench and a ridge?

Trenches are formed by divergent plates, Whereas Ridges are formed by plate in collision.

What is the definition of deep-ocean trench?

Deep Trench in the ocean floor. It can sometimes be mistaken for a mid-ocean ridge.

Does a trench or a ridge curves down the middle of the Atlantic ocean basin?

Yes, a large trench known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean basin. This underwater mountain range is where tectonic plates are moving apart, causing new oceanic crust to form in the process.

What has more pressure deep ocean trench or mid ocean ridge?

hard to say

What geological feature can be found at the mid ocean ridge?

usually a rift or trench

What is an underwater canyon called?

It could be called a trench, crevice, ocean ridge, or abyss.

What do you call a narrow trench?

A rille

What are the features of the deep ocean basin?

Abyssal Plain,Ocean Trench,Seamount,and Mid-Ocean ridge

What is a ridge and a trench?

A ridge is a long, elevated landform consisting of a series of hills or mountains that are connected. It is typically formed by tectonic activity, such as the collision of tectonic plates. A trench, on the other hand, is a long, narrow depression in the ocean floor. Trenches are usually formed where one tectonic plate is subducted beneath another, creating a deep and steeply inclined boundary.