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Yes, they were both LIMITED WARs fought against communist aggression. However, having freshly won WWII, only five years earlier, the US was used to fighting to win. So the US INVADED North Korea. That brought in Red China. The war got bloodier because of that action. The Red Chinese drove the allies south, and to near dectruction. GEN MacArther counter-attacked and the Red's were fought to a draw. With an Armistice signed in 1953, holding the line at the 38th Parallel. Having learned those lessons, the US did NOT invade North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

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16y ago
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12y ago

Both North Vietnam and North Korea were communist countries. A Demilitarized zone was established to divide the countries north & south. The battles in both countries were to stop the spread of communism in Asia.

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12y ago

The Vietnam war and the Korean War are related because in both wars one half of the country wanted to make the other half communist. But the two wars had different results in the Korean war the north stayed Communist and the south stayed capitalist dividing the country, However in the Vietnam war the country was united and became communist. I hope you find my answer helpful.

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12y ago

They were both about containing communism.

Both part of the cold war. Both fought against communist aggression.

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14y ago

Both wars were fought against communist aggression.

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Is South Korea an ally of the Republic of Vietnam?

Yes, South Korea is an ally of the Republic of Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, South Korea helped the United States and the Republic of Vietnam to fight against the communists. The Republic of Vietnam was helped by South Korea, by the United States, by Thailand, by Taiwan, by New Zealand, by Australia, by Singapore and by Malaysia!

What is the neihgbor to the North Korea and Vietnam?

North Korea's neighbours are China, Russia, Japan and South Korea. Vietnam is along way from North Korea but it's neighbours are China Laos Cambodia and Thailand

What Southeast Asian nation are still ruled by a communist regime?

Vietnam and Laos. North Korea and China are also communist but are not in South-East Asia.

How was North Korea in the Vietnam War?


What does containment have to do with the US and the Vietnam war?

Containing it=Keeping it from spreading. Example 1: Keeping Communist North Vietnam from conquering South Vietnam; which failed (South Vietnam was consumed by communist North Vietnam). Example 2: Keeping Communist North Korea from conquering South Korea; which succeeded (South Korea was preserved).

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Answer this question… Both Korea and Vietnam were divided into conflicting communist and non-communist territories.

How is Vietnam Korea and Germany similar?

Korea, Germany, and Vietnam were all countries that were divided between a Communist State and a Western-aligned Capitalist State

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The war in Vietnam was similar to the US Civil War because the war involved North Korea versus South Korea.

Which country is under communist rule?

South Korea is a democracy similar to the U SA. The Peoples Republic of North Korea , Cuba, China and Vietnam

Is Vietnam a part of Indonesia?

In the past. yes. As two countries were both separated into two parts. North Vietnam & North Korea were both backed up by Soviet Union and China while South Vietnam and South Korea were backed up by the United States. Then Vietnam reunified in April 1975 while Korea has never been able to reunify ever since the separation. Vietnam and Korea shares a lot of similar traits in culture and tradition. Currently, South Korea is the 15th largest economy in the world, Vietnam is the 56th, North Korea is the 125th.

How did Korea and Vietnam achieve their current forms of government?

Which Korea and which Vietnam? Today's Vietnam or the old North and South Vietnam?

Was South Korea in the Vietnam war?

The answer is yes, South Korea was in the Vietnam War!

Why was the agreedment at the Geneva accords similar to the situation in Korea?

The division of the two countries "may" have been similiar, but Korea was ended by an Armistice. Vietnam was ended by a communist victory.

What is north Korea and Vietnam neighbor?

China is the neighbor of both North Korea and Vietnam.

What was the Vietnam's terrain?

I believe Vietnam was in Korea.

Where was the Korean and Vietnam war?

Korea and Vietnam.

How many people died during the Vietnam war in North Korea?

Korea and Vietnam were separate wars.