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taxing on imports

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Adolfo Adams

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Q: In what ways did the townshend acts attack colonists rights and freedoms?
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Why were colonists against the Townshend Acts?

they felt that the TownShend Acts threatened their rights and freedom

Why did the colonists protest the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts taxes?

The colonist said that the Britain had no rights to tax them.

The 1768 document which criticized the Townshend Acts as infringements on the natural and constitutional rights of the colonists was the?

Massachusetts "Circular Letter"

Why was the English Bill of Rights was important to colonists?

The Bill of Rights was important because it listed what rights the colonists should have that the government can't take away from them, which is what Britain did, so the colonists rebelled.

Why was a ratification process required?

The colonists required the ratification process because they wanted the Bill of Rights to be included in the US Constitution. With the addition of the Bill of Rights more colonists could set aside their fears of having their rights and freedoms taken away from them by the government.

Does the charter of rights and freedoms protect individual rights and freedoms?


What are the rights and freedoms in Canada?

There are many different rights and freedoms in Canada

What bill is the the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms found?

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

What were reasons for protests?

England was taxing the colonies to pay for the war debt, which the colonists thought was unfair. The colonists also thought that their rights and freedoms were being threatened. Lastly, England suspended the colonies new elected assembly.

What act protects human rights in Canada?

1) The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and 2) the Bill of Rights

What document protects Canadian citizenship rights?

the name of the two key documents that contain our rights and freedoms

How many kinds of freedom does Canada have?

Canada and the US have the same fundamental rights and freedoms. There are 31 rights and freedoms listed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and they encompass many different interpretations.