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Czechoslovakia and Hungary

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Q: In what two European countries did the Soviets put down revolts against soviet control?
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Where there any communist European nations which remained independent of soviet control?

Yugoslavia was communist but not under the influence of the soviets.

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Why did the Soviets what to keep Germany weak?

to keep countries between Germany and Soviet Union were under the Soviet Control.

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Why did the Soviets wants to keep Germany weak?

to keep countries between Germany and Soviet Union were under the Soviet Control.

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European countries used coercion to control the African land and people. They used fear and punishment to get the people to bend to their wishes.

Why did the Soviets want to take over Germany?

Germany is in a central location in Europe. It borders Italy, France, Poland and other countries. With control of Germany they could control Europe.

Why did Japan attack many countries to control and own their resources?

Japan wanted to be like the European countries and control needed resources. They wanted to control the entire Pacific region.

What is the two European countries that tried to control Hawaii?

Great Britain and France