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in California ,florida ,texas ,nevada ,washington ,idaho, oregon ,utah, New Mexico, Colorado ,arizona, oklahama, montana

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Q: In what parts of the US can a Spanish influence be found today?
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A Spanish influence found in Texas today?

That would be street names, food

How has the spansh culture influenced Texas?

The Spanish settled Texas and their influence lasts to today. Food, buildings, cultures, and other things all come from the Spanish influence.

3 example of Athenian influence found in western culture today?

3 example of Athenian influence found in western culture today are Hellenistic Age, Athens and Sparta and Aristotle.

In which parts of Florida are most orchards found today?

In what parts of Florida can you find orchards?

Did Christopher Columbus bring Spanish to South America?

Depends what influence your talking about. If it is culture then yes he did bring spanish culture along with him to the new found land that would be later called America. Examples of spanish culture is our statues and momuments that we had and still have today. Search it up on spanish influences in America but be specific!

The influence the Spaniards had on Trinidad and tobago?

During the sixteenth century, the Spanish influence on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago was strong. However, by mid-sixteenth century that influence was already starting to wear away, with French influence overtaking the Spanish. Finally by the last part of the eighteenth century, the islands were no longer Spanish. The Spanish language was preserved, however, and today the islands are two of the few regions still speaking Castilian Spanish.

What is the cultural influence of Spaniards to the Filipinos?

The cultural influence of Spaniards on Filipinos is significant, particularly in language, religion, and architecture. Spanish colonization introduced the Spanish language to the Philippines, resulting in many Spanish loanwords in Filipino languages. Catholicism became widely practiced in the Philippines due to Spanish missionaries, and many colonial-era churches and buildings still stand today, showcasing Spanish architectural influence.

How did the Spanish influence the Philippine Islands?

The Spanish influence in the Philippines can be seen in aspects such as language (Spanish loanwords in Filipino), culture (Catholic religion, fiestas, and traditions like the use of Spanish names), and architecture (old Spanish colonial buildings). The Spanish also introduced new crops, crops, animals, and trade networks to the islands.

Where in America is strong french influence?

Louisiana has a very strong French and Spanish influence even today. New Orleans has a French Quarter and French dishes served.

How does Spanish colonization of Texas continue to influence Texas today?

Well there would be in influnce in thier food and thier culture and the streets many of the streets where named after them too. :)

What is the word for today in spanish?

Hoy Is Today in spanish x:Dhoy

How did spanish influence Mexican culture?

Some examples of such influence include language (Spanish), religion (Roman Catholicism) as well as several traditions such as Easter, Christmas or New Year's Eve.