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Two tanks attacked the Germans at Flers in the Battle of the Somme on 15 September 1916.

A total of 49 Tanks were allocated in this assault, of which 31 were mechanically fit to take part in the attack.

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15th sept 1916. 400 were used by the british against Germany in WWI towards the end of the battle of the somme. they were either 'male' tanks, cannon on each side but no turret or 'female' with machine guns. it was called 'Little Willie'.

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Landships were first used in WW1; and were called landships.

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battle of ypres

At Flers-Courcelette, during the Battle of the Somme, in north-east France. September 15th, 1916.

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Tanks were introduced during the First World War at the Battle of the Somme.

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Q: In what battle was the tank first used as a weapon?
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What date was the first tank invented?

The first tank was invented by the Brittish in the first world war 1914 - 1918 and used as a weapon in the battle of the somme in July 1916.

What battle was the tank first used?

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What weapon was used for the first time in the Battle of the Somme?

The Battle of the Somme, or Somme Offensive, occurred between July 1 and November 18, 1916. The importance of air power and the first use of the tank are noted.

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In what battle was the first tank used?

Deville Wood in 1916

What battle did the British introduce the tank?

In September 1916 at the Battle of the Somme.

What new weapon on wheels was used in ww1?

The tank. Though not wheeled, gas was also used for the first time in WWI.

What country used the first tank in World War 1?

englandAnswerit was used by england. it was first deployed in the battle of somme

What were tanks used for in World War 2?

Tank were used by Germans, and later by Russians, British and Americans, as main attacking weapon. Main task of tank groups was to break enemy lines. Battle of Kursk (in Russia) was one of the largest tank battles of this war.

When was the first tank used?

The first tank to engage in battle was designaed D1, British Mark 1, in the battle of Flers Cousellette on September 15, 1916

What was the first weapon used?

A rock was probably the first weapon used

When was the tank weapon used the first time?

September 15th, 1916, between Flers and Courcelette in north-east France.