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no its sardis. after they left rome they went to the Asian minor to Sardis

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Q: In the play Julius Caesar where to Brutus and Cassius flee to?
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How do the conspirators feel after the murder of Julius Caesar?

they didn't felt anything until Antony's funeral speech,but after Antony's speech in which they were called butchers,the mob went against them as Antony succeeded in persuading them that Julius Caesar was loyal to them by showing them his will.The conspirators ran for there lives and flee from Rome.Brutus did suicide.

Who lead the assassination of Caesar?

pompey the great one time ally of Julius caesor led an army against Julius Caesor to contend who would rule rome. Pompey took his army to Greece where he planned to gain more legions. he was eventualy defeated by Caesor at the battle of pharsulus despite outnumbering Caesor. he fled to Egypt where he was assassinated by the egyptians NOT Caesor.

What is the meaning of brutus's speech?

His own life!! see below :D (source-reading packet at school :P) Brutus sits with his few remaining men. He asks them to hold his sword so that he may run against it and kill himself. The Ghost of Caesar has appeared to him on the battlefield, he says, and he believes that the time has come for him to die. His men urge him to flee; he demurs, telling them to begin the retreat, and that he will catch up later. He then asks one of his men to stay behind and hold the sword so that he may yet die honorably. Impaling himself on the sword, Brutus declares that in killing himself he acts on motives twice as pure as those with which he killed Caesar, and that Caesar should consider himself avenged: "Caesar, now be still. / I killed not thee with half so good a will" (V.v.50--51). Antony enters with Octavius, Messala, Lucillius, and the rest of their army. Finding Brutus's body, Lucillius says that he is glad that his master was not captured alive. Octavius decides to take Brutus's men into his own service. Antony speaks over the body, stating that Brutus was the noblest Roman of all: while the other conspirators acted out of envy of Caesar's power, Brutus acted for what he believed was the common good. Brutus was a worthy citizen, a rare example of a real man. Octavius adds that they should bury him in the most honorable way and orders the body to be taken to his tent. The men depart to celebrate their victory. \ Hope it helped :D

How did Sulla impact Julius Caesar's life?

Julius Caesar had changed the nature of the Roman empire, he had swept away the old, corrupt system of the late Roman republic and had set an example to future Roman emperors as well as other future European leaders to live up to.

How did the people react to Julius Caesars death?

At first hours after the death everybody was in panic.Killers were struck by the fact they won't be praised as liberators since Caesar was so loved and respected by the people.In the days following immediate death entire city fell into silence and confussion,streets were empty.The most confused were the assassins because they never really thought about what would happen after the murder.If they declared Caesar a tyrannt and his murder tyrranicide it would mean that all his actions during dictatorship were null and void,his property would be confiscated and his heir Octavius thus stripped from property.However if his actions were illegal then it would also mean they would be strriped of all their functions,magistratures and political positions and thus lose pollitical immunity and be tried for common murder since Caesar was the man who has put them on their positions in the first place.Because of this conspirators struck a deal with Marc Antony for mutual amnesty,he accepted because if he didn't not he would likely also be kiled.It was agreed that Caesar would be farewelled to the afterlife by all of them united on a great public funeral.On the day of the funeral entire Rome went out on the streets to see the procession and mourn their bellowed leader.Veterans,housewifes,foreigners,all wept when they saw Caesar's corps.Great pyre was set up in the very center of Rome with thousands of citizens moarning in hysteria.Then it was duty for Marc Antony to give out a funeral speech.He started out in a calm tone but as he spoke on his emotions creeped out.He passionately named the titles of the belowed leader,called him father of the fatherland,reminded everyone of all the things he did for all of them(one really needs to understand how much Caesar really did for ordinary people to feel for their moarning).And then in ironic tone glaring at conspirators who were all attending the funeral as agreed in front ranks,he reminded everyone of how Caesar was always mercifull to his enemies,how he spared all supporters of Pompey forgiving them and rising them to high positions(Brutus,a prime example)"Brutus says he was a tyrrant though,and you know Brutus is an honorable man"The mob then started to get angry realizing that the very people responcible for the killing were in the procession.They were astonished by the fact that few snobby aristocrats could ruin everything they had worked for and kill the leader they loved...All their anger started to pyle up,especially among veterans.At the climax as the fire started engufling the pyre,Antony rose up Caesar's bloodied toga and threw it into the crowd,enraged people now saw all the wounds of Caesar and that was it...rioting started.As the pyre burned everybody pushed through trying to bring their offerings,throwing furniture,weapons,jewelry into the fire...Conspirators had to flee for their lives.Their property was vandalised and burned throughout the streets,some were killed.People wanted vengeance and punishment.Rioting then turned into utter chaos,plunder and destruction combined with grieving hysteria...people crying gathered arround the ashes for days.Virtually entire population was touched by this event ,all social statuses,all professions...Conspirators had to flee the city.CIVIL WARS FOLLOWED.

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What happened to Cassius and Brutus at the end of Act 3 Scene 2?

In Act 3, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," both Cassius and Brutus leave the scene after their confrontation. The argument strains their friendship and sets in motion the events leading to Caesar's assassination.

Why did Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius murder Caesar?

Many reasons. Mostly because he was jealous and was afraid that he was finishing the Republic. Also he didn't like Julius much, so imagine how he felt when Agustus took over!

What battle plan does Cassius propose?

Cassius wants to wait where they are so that they are nicely rested and fully energized while Antony's troops would come tired. The battle would then be won by them. On the other hand, Brutus feels that they should march to Antony. This is because the people living in that area were only on their side as they were forced to be. Thus, if Antony marched towards them, they would not be able to recruit many people on the way making their army very big and unbeatable. Also, they would be well refreshed. In the end, it was Brutus' plan that was chosen.

How do the conspirators feel after the murder of Julius Caesar?

they didn't felt anything until Antony's funeral speech,but after Antony's speech in which they were called butchers,the mob went against them as Antony succeeded in persuading them that Julius Caesar was loyal to them by showing them his will.The conspirators ran for there lives and flee from Rome.Brutus did suicide.

What are the events leading up to and including the assassination of Julius Caesar?

Caesar was warned to "beware the Ides of March." Nevertheless, he ignores the warning and goes to the Senate house (which had actually burned down, so they were temporarily using a theatre instead) without his usual guard. When he enters the building, he is stabbed around 27 times by some Senators inside. There are many dramatic tales of his death, and we don't know which are true and which aren't. Supposedly, Brutus, who was a friend of Caesar, delivers the final, fatal stab, and kills him in the end. Brutus and Cassius (another senator who wanted to overthrow Caesar) flee from Rome and form the first Republican party. Eventually, they commit suicide and all their followers are killed by the angry Romans, who supported Caesar. Mark Antony, Caesar's best friend, thinks he'll take power, but, instead, Caesar is replaced by Octavian, Caesar's great nephew.

What is the basic story line of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar?

A bunch of guys get together to assassinate the dictator Julius Caesar, and succeed in doing so, but in trying to justify their act to the people, the people turn against them and cause them to flee the country. Later they are defeated in battle.

Why does Brutus want to spare Antony's life?

Brutus spares Antony because he doesn't want to further inflame the populace, and thinks that Antony, as Caesar's friend, can make the citizens understand why Caesar was killed. However, he has underestimated Antony, who turns his speech from one of support for the assassins to one that sets Rome against them. Antony reinforces his position of power in Rome and Brutus must flee.

Who lead the assassination of Caesar?

pompey the great one time ally of Julius caesor led an army against Julius Caesor to contend who would rule rome. Pompey took his army to Greece where he planned to gain more legions. he was eventualy defeated by Caesor at the battle of pharsulus despite outnumbering Caesor. he fled to Egypt where he was assassinated by the egyptians NOT Caesor.

When did Cleopatra get overthrown and had to flee?

Cleopatra's brother overthrew her in either the end of 49 or the beginning of 48 BC. She was not returned to power until Julius Caesar established her and her brother as co-rulers in 47 BC.

What caused Antony to flee from the senate?

To avoid the assassins of Caesar eliminating him too.

What is the meaning of brutus's speech?

His own life!! see below :D (source-reading packet at school :P) Brutus sits with his few remaining men. He asks them to hold his sword so that he may run against it and kill himself. The Ghost of Caesar has appeared to him on the battlefield, he says, and he believes that the time has come for him to die. His men urge him to flee; he demurs, telling them to begin the retreat, and that he will catch up later. He then asks one of his men to stay behind and hold the sword so that he may yet die honorably. Impaling himself on the sword, Brutus declares that in killing himself he acts on motives twice as pure as those with which he killed Caesar, and that Caesar should consider himself avenged: "Caesar, now be still. / I killed not thee with half so good a will" (V.v.50--51). Antony enters with Octavius, Messala, Lucillius, and the rest of their army. Finding Brutus's body, Lucillius says that he is glad that his master was not captured alive. Octavius decides to take Brutus's men into his own service. Antony speaks over the body, stating that Brutus was the noblest Roman of all: while the other conspirators acted out of envy of Caesar's power, Brutus acted for what he believed was the common good. Brutus was a worthy citizen, a rare example of a real man. Octavius adds that they should bury him in the most honorable way and orders the body to be taken to his tent. The men depart to celebrate their victory. \ Hope it helped :D

How come Brutus didn't sleep after he killed Caesar?

Brutus and the other assassins feared the reaction of the people. Julius Caesar was extremely popular with the middle and lower classes of Rome and this had been a key factor which had enabled him to accumulate power in his hands. People's immediate reaction to the assassination was to flee indoors in fear of further trouble, but then the crowd was angered that aristocrats (whom they saw as self-interested and corrupt) had killed the champion of the cause of the poor. Mark Antony was out for revenging Caesar. He named and shamed the conspirators. Public outrage split over at Caesar's funeral. The crowd demanded Caesar's will to be read aloud. In it he gave his gardens to the people to use as a recreational space and a sum of money to every Roman living in the city. The crowd felt that this showed that the man who had been accused of tyranny was a lover of the people. It also became enraged by the fact that Brutus, one of the assassins, was named in the will for adoption in the second degree. The crowds was also angry about the fact that, except for Brutus, the assassins had been pardoned by Caesar during or after the civil war. Mark Antony gave a rousing speech and lifted the toga from Caesar's body to show the tears made by the stabs and the blood. Someone brought a wax image of Caesar which was turned around by a hoist and showed 23 wounds all over the body and face. This further incensed the crowd, which burned the senate chamber where Caesar had been killed and went on a search for the assassins. They went to their houses with torches but were fought off by the servants and begged by the neighbours not to set them alight. The crowd desisted, but promised to return the next day with weapons.