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Passes the love note

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Q: In the novel 1984 Which of Julia's actions is a symbol of her rejection of Party teachings?
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What is the symbol of Buddha's teachings?

The wheel

What is the riligios symbol for Buddhism?

The religious symbol for Buddhism is the teachings of the Buddha or the Three Noble Jewels.

Where did hera get her symbol?

From myths which feature Hera and her actions are how we get her symbols.

Does the Puritan religion have a symbol?

The Puritans did not have a specific symbol that represented their religion. They were known for their strict adherence to religious principles and emphasis on living a pious life based on the teachings of the Bible.

What is the symbol for babism?

The symbol for the Baha'i Faith, which originated from Babism, is the nine-pointed star. The star represents the nine great religions of the world and the unity of humanity under the Baha'i teachings.

What is the sikisham symbol?

The Sikisham symbol is a sacred religious symbol used in the Sikh faith. It represents the teachings and principles of Sikhism, such as unity, equality, and justice. The symbol consists of a double-edged sword, a circle representing unity, and two curved swords representing spirituality and temporal power.

Is the main character who defines goodness in the Narnia series?

Aslan is the main character who embodies goodness in the Narnia series. He is a powerful, wise, and compassionate lion who serves as a symbol of virtue, justice, and love throughout the books. Aslan's actions and teachings reflect the core values of goodness that guide the protagonists in their adventures.

Why was the Thyrsus dionysus symbol?

Because it showed how important he was and he used it as a wand to change people's emotion/actions

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By Doctors T.J Eckleburg billboard

What's the difference between a saintnist and a devil worshiper?

A Satanist typically follows the belief system of Satanism, which may or may not involve the worship of Satan as a symbol of individualism and rejection of traditional religious teachings. Devil worshipers, on the other hand, specifically worship or venerate Satan as a deity. The key distinction lies in the focus on individualism and self-empowerment in Satanism versus the direct worship of Satan in devil worship.

Which river was cnected with gautam Buddha?

The river Ganges is connected to the Gautam Buddha. It flowed near where the Buddha lived, and the Buddha often used it as a symbol in his teachings.

What is st paul's symbol?

St. Paul is often symbolized by a sword, representing both his martyrdom and his role as a teacher of the Word of God. Another symbol associated with St. Paul is a book or scroll, signifying his letters and teachings that are included in the New Testament.