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In Germany the Nuremberg Laws of September 1935 forbade marriages between Jews and non-Jews. Jewish women who had married 'Aryan' men before that law was announced, enjoyed a 'protected' status. (By the way, what mattered to the Nazis wasn't usually religion but 'race').

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Q: In the Holocaust did a Jewish woman count as a Jew if she was married to a Christian?
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Did Christian converts from Judaism count as Jews in the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was about race, not religion. However, religion was used as an indicator of race, so anyone with a Jewish grandparent was regarded as a Jew. The Nazis established three 'degree' of 'Jewishness':Three of four Jewish grandparents - 'full Jew'Two Jewish grandparents - 'half Jew'One Jewish grandparent - 'quarter Jew'So, regardless of your religion, if you had three or four Jewish grandparents, you were in big trouble in Nazi Germany.

Would the ghettos during the holocaust count as a success or a failure?


What do Jewish people do on the daily?


How many soldiers killed Jews in the Holocaust?

During WWII a small number of US servicemen had "Dog Tags" marked with "H" for Hebrew were and some of these were executed on the spot. There were also a few (about 300 to 500) that were removed from POW camps, placed into labor camps, maltreated and some were placed into the exterminaction camps. The figures are unclear, but the consensus on both the German and American side is that "a few hundred Jewish servicemen were exterminated". Several thousand US citizens were trapped in Germany when the war began. Some were Jewish, and many were unable to escape. _______ On the whole, the Nazis were cautious in their treatment of U.S. and British and Commonwealth servicemen taken prisoner. However, many Jewish American prisoners of war went sent to Stalag IX-B, where they were treated extremely badly. Some were sent to Berga (Thuringia), which was a sub-camp of Buchenwald. Please see link.

How often did the Holocaust happen?

If you are referring to any genocide, they happened throughout human history, even up to today. There have been too many to count. If you are talking about "the Holocaust", this term usually only refers to the Nazi attempt to exterminate the Jews, Gypsies, and other undesireables. It only happened once: from 1933-1945. It will never happen again.

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Children in the holocaust are they all jewish?

not if you count the gypsy children.

Did Christian converts from Judaism count as Jews in the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was about race, not religion. However, religion was used as an indicator of race, so anyone with a Jewish grandparent was regarded as a Jew. The Nazis established three 'degree' of 'Jewishness':Three of four Jewish grandparents - 'full Jew'Two Jewish grandparents - 'half Jew'One Jewish grandparent - 'quarter Jew'So, regardless of your religion, if you had three or four Jewish grandparents, you were in big trouble in Nazi Germany.

When was Count Christian of Rosenborg born?

Count Christian of Rosenborg was born on 1942-10-22.

Are there any religions that count it as a sin to speak badly about your own religion?

Yes, of course. First of all, there's Catholic, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim, and Christian for sure.

When and where did the Jews defeat Germany?

If you count the fact that Germany did not kill every Jew as a Jewish victory, then you can say that the Jews 'won' the Holocaust. But this would be wrong, the Jews have never defeated Germany, as they have never been in conflict.

Would the ghettos during the holocaust count as a success or a failure?


How many numbers were on the Jewish arm during the holocaust and what did they represt?

5 or 6; it depends on when they first arrived and how many were in the camp. If they arrived when it first started then probably five but six later I would say. If you look on Google images and see there numbers you can count.

What do Jewish people do on the daily?


Who is Non-Jewish?

Whoever is not a Jew is non-Jewish. Considering that Jews count for 0.2-0.3% of the world's population, most people are non-Jewish.

What does it make you if your great aunt married a count - English hierarchy?

The fact that your great aunt married a Count has no impact on your status in the nobility hierarchy

Did the holocaust and slavery kill the same amount of people?

There was a lot of slavery in the Holocaust. But slavery has been around for thousands of years and it is still ongoing, so it depends uopn how you which to count.

Do any people other than Jews celebrate chanukah?

No, unless you count some non-Jewish spouses of Jewish people.