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Q: In the 1400s this man helped Portugal take an early lead in exploration by providing money to study navigation develop better boats and encourage voyages along the coast of Africa. Who was he?
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Who helped Portugal take an early read and exploration by providing money to study navigation?

Prince Henry the Navigator

Who established a center of navigation and exploration?

Prince Henry of Portugal established a center of navigation and Exploration in the time of the ReformatioN

Established a center of navigation and exploration?

prince Henry of Portugal

Who use his royal position to encourage explorers?

Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal used his royal position to encourage and support explorers during the Age of Exploration. He sponsored many voyages of discovery and established a school of navigation to train explorers, which played a crucial role in advancing European exploration of the seas.

What did Prince Henry of Portugal have to do with America?

He created a school of navigation, helping the age of exploration to flourish

How did Prince Henry change the courses of Portugal history?

Prince Henry was also known as Henry the Navigator. He helped to change the course of history in Portugal because it helped the country to lead the way in navigation and exploration.

What impact on the world did Henry the navigator have?

Because of him, Portugal became the first country to explore. If he didn't start the "school of navigation" there would be no exploration. So he is the most important.

Which explorer created a school for navigation?

Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal is credited with creating a school for navigation in the 15th century. The school, known as the School of Sagres, played a crucial role in advancing navigation techniques and knowledge that would later aid in the Age of Exploration.

What portuguese prince established a school for mariners and helped spur on the age of exploration?

Prince Henry the Navigator, also known as Infante Dom Henrique, established a school for mariners in Sagres, Portugal. His support for exploration and navigation paved the way for Portuguese exploration during the Age of Discovery.

What were the accomplishments of Prince Henry the Navigator?

Prince Henry's major accomplishments included exploration of West Africa. He also formed a school for navigation that helped to encourage more exploration for Portugal.

Prince Henry the Navigator is known for what?

He opened a school of navigation and improved education in navigation and math. Prince Henry the Navigator was a Royal member of Portugal. He sponsored many voyages of exploration but never actually sailed. He died around 1460 right before the last expidetion came back from west Africa.

Which nation did prince Henry help take the lead in overseas exploration?

Prince Henry helped lead Portugal in overseas exploration.