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the Japanese Emperor..................

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Q: In japan who was believed to be a god before world war 2?
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What was the political system in japan before world war 2?

Japan was an imperial state, with an emperor that was thought of as a god. Mainly it was a Military Dictatorship.

What religion did they believe in before 1066?

They believed in god.

Many military officers in Japan were strong nationalists and believed Japan was destined to dominate?

actually that was a belife of many German soldiers and officers. The Japanese Officers belived that the emporer was destined to rule as a god over the lands of the world but not necessarily Japan as a country

What did you feel before you met God?

I believed and felt as a human.Lost this belief after meeting GOD

Did blaise pascal believe in god?

yes he did believe in god, have you heard of pascals wager? it states that: žPascal believed that: believing in god is just a gamble. He believed that you either live in this world as if there is a god, or you live in this world as if there is not a god. He also said that there is only one way to win the gamble, and that is to live in this world as if there is a god.

What are the past and present types of government in Japan?

Before World War II, the emperor had all of the power in Japan, and he was considered a god. The concept of democracy was part of the rebuilding process.

Who believed that all people men and women blacks and whites were equal before God?


Was there a world before god?

In religious beliefs, God is often seen as the creator of the world, so there was no world before God in those contexts. Different cultures and beliefs may have varying views on this concept.

Do or how long have the Orientals believed in god?

Yes; as long as they've been around. For example India is a very religious country that might be the oldest continuous civilization on earth. Interestingly enough, Japan has the highest number of atheists in the world.

What were the beliefs and understanding of electricity before it was discovered and used?

The people believed that god was very angry and was punishing them

What did people believe about electricity before it was discovered or used?

The people believed that god was very angry and was punishing them

What was the early Egyptian name of the god who ruled the underworld?

His name was Osiris. He ferried the souls to the second world. His body was always covered in wrappings because it was believed his body was disememberd before his death.