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Q: In his funeral speech. Which line does Anthony repeat several times?
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How do you Compare and contrast Antony's and Brutus' funeral speech?

Brutus's purpose was to control the crowd as was Anthony's. Brutus began his speech with a hostile crowd against him as a murderer of the popular Julius Caesar.

What did Brutus say to people at the funeral?

Brutus was not at the funeral (it would be kind of inappropriate for the killer to show-up). It was Mark Anthony who gave the funeral speech.

What conditions were Anthony will be allowed to give a funeral speech if agreed to?

Mark Anthony must speak from the pulpit from where Brutus will deliver his speech. He must not speak any ill about the group which murdered Caesar. He will just speak whatever good he can devise of Caesar. He will speak in the pulpit after Brutus.

What is a eulogies speech?

Speech given at a funeral.

What other words can be used for 'funeral speech'?

The other words that can be used for funeral speech include eulogy, paean and encomium.

Why Anthony has to give his speech in Julius Caesar?

Because he had been chosen to deliver the funeral oration as a consul for a consul, a friend for a friend and a Kinsman for a Kinsman. Being related to Caesar through the mother .

What is the the name of Pericles' famous speech?

Funeral Oration.

What is the the quote from Julius Caesar that begins the evil that men do?

"The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones." But I think it's not a quote by Caesar, it's part of Mark Anthony's speech at Caesar's funeral.

Where can one find the words of the famous speech given by Brutus at Caesar's funeral?

You can find the words of the famous speech given by Brutus at Caesar's funeral online at Word Info. You can also find the speech in the book Julius Caesar.

According to Antony's speech Brutus characterized Caesaar as?

Anthony tricks Brutus into letting him give a soliloquy at Caesar's funeral. He uses the opportunity to sarcastically implicate Brutus and Cassius in Caesar's murder. He says that Brutus considered Caesar "ambitious" using his speech to use Brutus' own words against him.

In Julius Caesar Antony's funeral speech is NOT considered a soliloquy because?

both characters and audience hear the speech

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