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Q: In ancient mesopotamia each acted as a state with its own ruler?
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Is Mesopotamia a state?

No. Mesopotamia is an ancient civilization near modern day Iraq. Alot of our inventions have come from mesopotamia.

What kind of desert did ancient Mesopotamia have?

mesopotamia is a place used to be a city state and it is a dry warm and derests state happy u found what is adesert

What was Ancient Mesopotamia's Class system?

the system they used to sort the people that was in the city-state

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Who is the true ruler of mespotamia?

The true ruler of Mesopotamia would have been the king or emperor of the dominant city-state or empire at any given time. Mesopotamia was home to several civilizations throughout history, such as the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians, each of which had their own rulers. So, the true ruler of Mesopotamia depended on the specific time period and civilization in question.

What was the importance of temples in ancient Athens?

They were the centre of religious activity, housed the gods, and acted as a treasury for state funds.

Who built the first Ziggurat at UR?

The first Ziggurat at Ur was built by King Ur-Nammu, a ruler of the ancient city-state of Ur in Mesopotamia around 2100 BC. He constructed the Great Ziggurat of Ur as a temple dedicated to the moon god Nanna.

Who built the worlds first empire what land did that empire include?

It is Sargon, a soldier from a powerful city and state in northern Mesopotamia, created the first empire in the world and the area of the ancient mesopotamia.

Who built the worlds first empire and what land did that empire include?

It is Sargon, a soldier from a powerful city and state in northern Mesopotamia, created the first empire in the world and the area of the ancient mesopotamia.

What three tribes conquered and ruled mesopotamia after the decline of sumer's city-state?

They knew how to do it so they didn't come back until their ruler was a better leader

Who was the first ruler of Mesopotamia?

Sargon of Akkad was the first person to unite and reign over Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia was the first empire in the world.The ruler of the first empire was King Sargon of Akkad.he created the Akkadian empireSargon, leader of the Akkadian Empire, was the first person to establish the first empire.

Where is Kish the Mesopotamia city state currently located?

The ancient city of Kish, also known as Sumer, is located near Tell al-Uhaymir in Iraq. It was the ancient city of Sumer in Mesopotamia and gained prominence in 3100 BC.