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Q: In addition to the alphabet what else was taught using this tool?
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What four major events that occurred during sequoyah lifetime?

1. He wrote the Cherokee alphabet. 2.(I am not sure about this) his cabin was burn't down so he had to move somwhere else. 3. He taught the alphabet he wrote to other people. 4.(Sorry, I dont know any thing else)

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They were taught by someone else

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DON'T TRY IT!!! If the Legend of Zelda has taught us anything, it's to never mess with chickens, or else you will DIE. Really, die. The chickins will kill you.

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What does the letter r stand for in the Inca alphabet?

There is no such thing as "the Inca alphabet". The Incans had no writing system. They used knotted strings to record numbers, but there is not much evidence that this system was used for anything else.

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Mae jemison was taught to practice with her teacher.

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Respect for the Bible is the same as respect for anything else -- it must be "taught."

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What can be used for a sport Alphabet Alliteraton Poem?

An Alphabet Alliteration Poem can be created using sports-related words that start with each letter of the alphabet, such as "A for athletics, B for basketball, C for cricket," and so on. It's a fun and creative way to incorporate sports vocabulary into a poem while emphasizing the sound of certain letters.

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The subjects taught in Chinese school are generally the same as anywhere else. Language, geography, math, social science, and art are the common subjects.

Should parents teach their child about homosexuality?

Yes. Gay people share this planet with everyone else. Children should be taught that love comes in many forms.Yes. Gay people share this planet with everyone else. Children should be taught that love comes in many forms.

In addition to organizing data what else do scientists do after an experiment?

They may publish their results.