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The city of London .

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Q: In World War 2 what English city received most of the 1940 German saturation bombing?
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What miltary steps did the allies take to defeat the axis powers in Europe?

Saturation bombing of German cities and the invasion of mainland Europe on 6th June 1944 - D-Day.

What was the German bombing of Britain known as?

The Blitz

Who is the German bombing of London from August to october 1940?

The Luftwaffe, German term for their air force, was bombing anyone, anything and in particular the shipping ports of London. It was used as a scare tactic of the English people. It only strengthened their resolved to defeat the madman Hitler and the evil Nazis. That was their concept of the Nazis.

What was the German bombing of London called th?

The Blitz

Who was bombing Britain in World War 2?

The German Luftwaffe

What Eastern German city burns nicely?

bombing of dresden

Where did the German luftwaffe focus their bombing in great Britain?

it can be anything

Why did people disagree with the bombing of German cities?

Bombing the German cities was killing civilians. Many people believed this was wrong and that aerial attacks should be targeted at industrial and military facilities.

Name for german bombing raids on british cities?

The Blitz - short for blitzkrieg - German for lightning strike.

What was the German bombing the British cities called?

The German air war against the British during WW II was called the the Battle of Britain. The German bombing of British cities was called The Blitz - short for Blitzkrieg (lightning strike).

What city was a major target during German bombing raids?


What has the author Roderich Cescotti written?

Roderich Cescotti has written: 'Luftfahrt-Definitionen' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Aeronautics, German, English, German language, English language 'Aviation dictionary' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Aeronautics, German, English, German language, English language 'Luftfahrt-definitionen, Englisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Englisch = Glossary of aeronautical definitions, English-German/German-English' 'Aerospace Dictionary, German to English and English to German' 'Glossary of aeronautical definitions; English-German, German-English' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Aeronautics, German, English, German language, English language