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They did the jobs men traditionally held like making the weapons and uniforms and airplanes and ships for the war effort.

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Q: In World War 2 factories what did women do?
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What did women in factories do in World War 2?

they made bombs

Who worked in factories in world war 2?

Women while the men were at war

Women in the US during World War 2?

Women worked in many factories and farms in the war.

What did women do in Britian during world war 2?

Women in Britain worked in factories and farms in the war.

What did English women do in world war 2?

English women worked in many factories and farms in the war.

What was the general role of women during World War 2?

Women worked in many factories and farms in the war.

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Women who went to work in factories

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What was the nick name of women who worked in factories in world war 2?

Meg Griffin

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Women who worked in factories.

How did women help out world war 2?

Women helped out in World War 2 by working in factories and creating ammunition, aircrafts and boats. They would also work on the land and farm.

What jobs did women find during world war 2?

Many of them worked in factories producing war goods.