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The nobility. They were a little more than a slave, so if the lord sold the land or estate that the serf was attached to the serf was sold too as part of the estate.

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Q: In Medieval Times serfs were the responsibility of?
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In medieval times serfs were the responsibility of whom?

Serf is another word for slave so they were owned by the nobility.

Who mends the lords clothes in medieval times?

its the serfs lol or not

What do you call a person in the lowest class of Medieval times?

they were called serfs

What was the lowest class in medieval times?

the slaves also known as serfs

What did the peasants and serfs do in the medieval times?

Heck! I dont know what serfs do! That's why I asked this thing!!! Heck! I dont know what serfs do! That's why I asked this thing!!!

What was a Baker's responsibility in Medieval times?

To bake.

What was the responsibility of a lord in medieval times?

Middle Ages

What was the responsibility of the lord in medieval times?

Middle Ages

Who kept track of the serfs and free tenant farmers in medieval times?

The Lord of the manors soldiers and guards.

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Who was tied to the land in medieval Europe?

The serfs were tied to the land they lived on and farmed.

Did people in the medieval villages get paid for their job?

Many of the people who lived in medieval villages were serfs, and there were times when serfs worked in exchange for rent and protection, rather than for pay Villagers who were not serfs generally were paid, though they might have been given room and board as part of the work arrangement, and very little money.