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An assembly of gods started the flood in the Gilgamesh flood epic.

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Q: In Gilgamesh's flood story who started the flood?
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Did the story of Noah's flood come from the Epic of Gilgamesh?

Certainly the story of Noah's Flood is remarkably similar to the Flood story of Umapishtim in the much older Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. On that evidence, the Epic of Gilgamesh is the most likely source for the story of Noah's Flood.

What evidence do we have to prove that there was a world wide flood?

None. No evidence at all. The flood story is just that, a story.

Did Abraham live before or after the flood?

Abraham lived after the flood, according to the Bible. The flood story is associated with Noah, who was a few generations before Abraham.

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What date did the Tewkesbury flood happen?

the Tewkesbury flood started on the 19th20th of July 2007

How long did it rain in the Gilgamesh flood story?

In the Gilgamesh flood story, it rained for six days and six nights continuously. This extreme rainfall was a crucial element in the flood that engulfed the world.

What was that movie about a flash flood at a summer camp true story?

The Flood: Who Will Save Our Children

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Using the seven stages of the heroic pattern is Utnapishtim in the story of the flood a hero?

YESSSSSS Utnapishtim is a hero in the story of the flood if that is what you're asking...!!:)

When did tewkesbury flood?

on the 23rd of July 2007 the flood was at its worst :( it started on the 20th with heavy rainfall

What is a flood relief scheme?

a scheme which is started to help the flood victim ! In all over the world