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chicken and rice

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Q: In 1989 a tanker a spilled millions of gallons of oil off the coast of Alaska why did Alaska ask the federal government to help with the cleanup?
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How many gallons did it take the for the titanic to sink?

Millions and millions.

How much gallons of water you use having a shower each year?

millions of gallons of water

Pump is running 250 gallons per minute pumps all day how many millions of gallons was pumped?

360,000 gallons

How much water should be added in oodles of noodles?

millions of gallons

How many gallons of wine does ca produce each year?

26 millions

How many gallons of gas does America use a year?

According to the federal government's website the US consumed approximately 140 billion gallons of gasoline in 2004 (yes, billion with a b). That number has probably gone up since 2004. Brady loves melonie!!! ::::)))))

How much beer can you legally brew?

The Federal government allows you to brew up to 100 gallons of beer for personal use annually (200 gallons per household if 2 or more adults reside there). Each state also has regulations on homebrewing. Check out this website for more information.

Do rivers carry gallons of water?

Yes, rivers can carry millions or billions of gallons of water, depending on their size and flow. The amount of water they carry can vary depending on factors such as rainfall, snowmelt, and human intervention like damming or diversion.

What processes form a river valley?

Cave a hole and pour millions of gallons of water :)

How does a supertanker effect the environment?

It massively effects the environment by using and collecting millions of gallons of oil

How many barrels of oil for 370 millions gallons of gas?

Each barrel of oil results in approximately 19.5 gallons of gasoline. So,370 million gallons divided by 19.5 = about 18,974,359 barrels of oil to produce 370 million gallons of gasoline,

How do you calculate your water usage in millions of Gallons?

To calculate water usage in millions of gallons, you would divide your total water usage in gallons by one million. For example, if your total water usage is 10 million gallons, you would simply write it as 10 million gallons.