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Q: In 1950 if a black child was adopted into the white family what school would you go?
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What is a Foster family?

A foster family is the family of an adopted child.

Is it bad for a white kid to be raised with a black family?

It is not bad for a white kid to be raised with a black family. This a common occurance when a child has been adopted. There can be some barriers, but in the end it makes no difference.

On The Sims on PC do you get your child back when they are sent to military school?

No, sorry :( However, they may be adopted by another family. It's possible.

Does a adopted child have the same claim to property if you do not have a will?

The adopted child have the same rights as the biological children. They are full members of the family.

What is a adopted family?

A family who adopts a child is known as adoptive family.

Are all the adopted children in sims 2 black?

No, I adopted a child (that was a girl) and she was white.

What is part of speech is the word adopted?

Adopted can be used as a verb and an adjective. Verb: That family adopted three children. Adjective: an adopted child

What if the child was adopted by the foster family?

Not sure what your question is but that happen.

Does John McCain have an illegit child with a black woman?

no . that black girl was adopted from Bangladesh .

What is adopted family?

an adoptive family is a family that adopts a child or children of they or same gender or if their spouse can not conceive

Can a child get benefits from a deceased parent that the court terminated his parental rights?

You added this to the Adoption category and when adopted the child belongs to the adopted family and gets nothing from the birth family. They only gets benefits and inherit the adoptive family.

What was Hitler's ideal family?

His ideal family was a black father married to a Jewish Chinese lady. This couple then adopted one Indian child and one Russian child. They all believe in Judaism. You see, Hitler's goal was to have equality and diversity amongst......ARE YOu STUPID!??