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Granted citizenship

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Q: In 1924 all Native Americans were?
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What group was gave citizenship in 1924?

The Indian Citizen Act of 1924 gave citizenship to all Native Americans.

In 1789 could Native Americans?

No. Native Americans were not considered American Citizens Until the Indian Citizen Act of 1924. Utah was the last state to finally give Native Americans voting rights in 1956.

In 1789 could Native Americans vote?

No. Native Americans were not considered American Citizens Until the Indian Citizen Act of 1924. Utah was the last state to finally give Native Americans voting rights in 1956.

What is said about native Americans in the constitution?

The United States constitution gave Native Americans the right to vote in 1924, until this date Native Americans were not considered citizens. There are treaties that were signed by the various tribes that included the Native peoples into the constitution of the United States.

Are native American and north American the same?

No, while many who are Native Americans are, in fact, North Americans, there are very many who are North Americans, but not at all of Native American descent.

When were all Native Americans granted citizenship in the US?

The earliest recorded date of Native Americans' becoming U.S. citizens was in 1831 when the Mississippi Choctaw became citizens after the United States Legislature ratified the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek. Under article XIV of that treaty, any Choctaw who elected not to move with the Choctaw Nation could become an American citizen. There has been considerable debate about Native American U.S. citizenship. In 1857, Cheif Justice Roger B. Taney expressed that since Native Americans were "free and independent people" that they could become U.S. citizens. Prior to the passage of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, nearly two-thirds of Native Americans were already U.S. citizens. The act of 1924 granted U.S. citizenship to those Native Americans who were not already U.S. citizens.

What do Torah scrolls have to do with Native Americans?

Nothing. The Torah Scrolls belong the Jewish people, not to Native Americans and do not mention Native Americans at all.

All about native Americans?


Did the colony of New Hampshire have Native Americans?

ALL colonies had Native Americans. They were here first.

How did the Native Americans make peace with the settlers?

The US stole all the Native Americans land.

Is Native Americans all drunks?

No they are not

How did the Native Americans play apart in the battle of Gonzales?

Not at all. Native Americans have a long history of laziness.