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Q: In 1904 the U.S. Supreme Court for the first time enforced the Sherman antitrust act against a company accused of having formed a monopoly . Against which company was this act enforced?
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How was the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 enforced?

no. the Sherman anti trust act was not enforced against big coorperations. instead in 1890 to 1900 the act was used againt the formation of unions

What did thedore roosevelt vigorously enforced?

C. The Sherman Antitrust Act. -CLW

The sherman antitrust law was used as a weapon against labor unions?

True. The sherman Antitrust law was against labor unions.

Which of the following was an attempt to restrict a monopoly of the oil industry in the US?

Sherman Antitrust Act

Who vigorously prosecuted the Sherman Antitrust Law?

President Theodore Roosevelt was very aggressive to enforce the Sherman Antitrust Law passed in 1890. President Roosevelt filed suite against forty-five companies under the Sherman Antitrust Act.

This 1890 act awarded victims of a monopoly three times the amount his business lost?

Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

What was the first antitrust statute enacted by congress?

The Sherman Antitrust Act -Sherman Act, July 2, 1890,

What did the Clayton Act add to the Sherman Antitrust Act?

The Clayton Act made certain practices illegal when their effect was to lessen competition or to create a monopoly.

What resulted from the the investigation of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire?

The Sherman Antitrust Actthe passage of the sherman antitrust act

What resulted from the investigation of the triangle shirtwaiste fire?

The Sherman Antitrust Actthe passage of the sherman antitrust act

The first time that the US government succeeded in using the Act against big business was when the Supreme Court ordered the break up of the Northern Securities Company a railroad holdin?

sherman antitrust act

What trusts did the Sherman Antitrust Act regulate?

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act regulated businesses that were deemed to be anticompetitive by creating a monopoly. Some companies affected by the Sherman Act were the Northern Securities Company, Standard Oil, and the American Tobacco Company.