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Q: In 1808 Napoleon invaded these two countries?
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What year did Napoleon invade Spain?

Napoleon invaded Egypt on July 21, 1798. He stayed there for two years, and retreated in 1801.

What two countries that invaded France in 1792?

The two countries that invaded France were Astria and Prussia.

What countries did napoleon annex?

Napoleon invaded the two nations comprised of the Netherlands in 1795. One Netherlands is part of Austria. The other "half" is the Dutch Netherlands. Napoleon combines the two into the Batavian Republic and they were then part of France. Napoleon also annexes the Papal States.

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England and Portugal remained undefeated by Napoleon.

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Austria and the Sudetenland

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What two countries did Napoleon annex during the revolutionary wars?

The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany

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Britain and France

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france and belgium

How many of Napoleon's soldiers made it back to Paris?

The question as posed is unanswerable. Napoleon invaded many cities, states, and empires and in each invasion there were at least two armies (the French army and the army of the invaded country). As a result, without clarifying which invasion we are talking about and which army in that invasion, this question is impossible to answer.

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1. One of the countries that Japan invaded was China 2. The secound country that japan invaded was Manchuria which is north eastern China.

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Iran invaded no country in 1990. Iraq invaded Kuwait in this year, but Iran and Iraq are two entirely different countries.