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Q: If you get externally excluded does that go on your recorded?
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When a salve is applied topically, that means externally. My outside dog is externally located.

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Is a chicken egg internal or externally fertallized?

Externally fertilized

Does the platypus externally fertilise its eggs?

No, the platypus does not fertilise its eggs externally.

What mammals reproduce externally?

Placental mammals reproduce externally. (not in pouches)

What does excluded means on DNA testing?

Excluded in DNA testing means that a particular individual is not a match to a sample or comparison that was tested, indicating that they are not the source of the DNA in question. This can be important in ruling out individuals as potential contributors to a sample or in identifying a match in cases like paternity testing.

Can a student do 11th and 12th externally?

I want to do 12th externally in commerce stream.

Is a lion born internally or externally?

Lions have internal fertilization if that is what you are referring to.

In Connecticut did the children have to go to school?

All children have to go to school. Those that don't, are either suspended, excluded, or are home schooled.

What is recommended about taking bitters externally?

Externally, they may be applied on cotton wool as a compress.

A country which is independent both internally and externally?

Country which is independent both internally and externally