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Q: If you are the first person to arrive at the scene of a crash the FIRST thing to do is?
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The first person to arrive at the constitutional convention was John Dickinson

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The first colonists to arrive in South America were the Spanish conquistadors, in the 15th Century.

Who is the first person to arrive at the scene of an illness or injury?

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People first came to Ireland over 8000 years ago, so it is not recorded as to who was the first person to arrive.

Who was the first person to arrive in Florida?

the Dinosaurs

Who is the first person to arrive at Juliet tomb?

The first person to arrive at Juliet's tomb in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" is Friar Laurence, who goes to retrieve Juliet after she has taken a potion to fake her death.

How do you stand first?

To stand first you need to be the first person in line. This may mean that you need to arrive several hours early in order to be first in the line.

Who was the first person to die from a train accident?

There is no person in record who was the first person to die in a train crash. Only a large number of people aboard the train.

Who is the first white person to arrive in South Africa?

Jan van Riebeeck

Who is the first to arrive at a crime scene?

the FAO (first attending officer) is first on the scene when called to a crime.

Who was Ila Envele?

The only person to be killed in the first train crash in 1967

What was made first crash or spyro?

Crash Bandicoot was made first, the first Crash game was made in 1996, while the first Spyro the Dragon game was made in 1998.