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it depends where and how

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Q: If you are 17 and with a job and graduated can you leave home?
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Related questions

What is the legal age to leave home in Mississippi?

The legal age to leave home without parental consent in Mississippi is 18. However, individuals who are 17 and have graduated from high school or are emancipated may also leave home without parental permission.

Can you move out in Ohio if you are 17 and graduated with a good job and safe place to live?

You can if your parents allow it. Otherwise, no, you'd have to wait until you're 18 to leave.

Are you considered a runaway if you leave California to Texas at 17?

No, at the age of 17 you can leave Texas for California and not be considered a runaway. However, if you have not graduated school at the age of 17 and do not enroll in another state you can get in trouble.

Can you leave home at the age 17 if you have evidenc of being aboused?

can you leave the home at 17 if you have evidents of being abused

In the State of Missouri can a 17-year-old leave home if she has graduated from high school and has a job and a good home in which to live?

The legal age of majority for Missouri is 18. However, given the circumstances described authorites would not intervene as long as the parents were amicable to the move and took the appropriate action to relieve themselves of parental responsibility.

Is it legal to move out in Kentucky at the age of seventeen if you graduated high school?

As long as your parents say it is OK then you can go. I went into the military at 17 and traveled to NC from California. Or if you are going to school then you can leave home.

Am 17 biut my birthday is in a month can i leave home?

Yes, of course you can leave home, you are old enough, leave NOW! From: Samantha

Is it legal for a girl to leave home at age 17 without your parental consent?

is it legal for a 17 year old 17 girl to leave home because it my oldest

How old do you have to be to legally leave home in Japan?


Since you are 17 and will be turning 18 in May Can you leave home now and not get in trouble?

No you cannot leave home until you reach adulthood. Once you are 18, you can leave home.

Can get a job if I am not in school or have a GED when I am 17?

Probably an entry level if you fib and just say you graduated-most don't really check

Can a 17 year old who has graduated from high school move out of parents home before turning 18?

no he/she cant do that