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It was only the international slave trade which was banned after 1808. After that time it was illegal to import any new slaves from Africa. Domestic slave trading, within the US, was still perfectly legal. All children born to slave mothers were also slaves, so there was a source of more slaves in this natural increase. Some illegal importation also continued. Men in this trade, called "blackbirders", often landed slaves in Mexico or Texas. Texas did not become a part of the US until 1845. From Mexico or Texas the illegally imported slaves could be brought overland into the US.

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Q: If the slave trade was banned in the US how did slavery still thrive?
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Slavery does not exist in the USA. It is against the law.

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Who banned slavery?

Various countries have banned slavery at different times. Some notable examples include the United Kingdom in 1833, the United States with the 13th Amendment in 1865, and Brazil in 1888. However, despite these legal bans, forms of modern slavery still exist around the world.

What did slave owners do after slavery?

They wanted their slaves to stay and work, but they still didnt want to pay them anything.

Do they still have slaves?

Slavery system is banned in most of the countries and keeping someone as your slave is considered as an act of severe punishment under the eyes but in some countries like Saudi Arabia,United Arab Emirates and backword countries in south east are still promoting the system. For more deatils visit :