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Q: If going to Afghanistan where does us military planes land?
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Why did the military need rubber in 1943?

Planes have to land! Tires.

Do jet planes use the same airports of normal planes for take off and landing?

Commercial jets do. Military jets normally land on military airports/airfields. An example for such an airport is Edwards Air Force Base.

Do commercial airlines refuel in mid flight?

No they do not. Only military and government planes do this. Commercial airlines will land at an airport to refuel.

How many sea have in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan is a land locked country,

How many seaports are there in Afghanistan?

None, Afghanistan is a land locked nation.

What flights go over the south pole?

No flights 'go over' the South Pole. Supply planes land at the South Pole and take off from there. These supply planes are operated by the USA military and are dedicated to scientific research.

What is the land area in square miles in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan - 251,772 square miles.

How long has Afghanistan been?

sence the Pashtuns are born because Afghanistan is Pashtuns land . And when the Afghanistan was created in 1747

What do planes land on?


How are oreos transported?

Depending on where they are going, Hershey bars can be transported on land by car or truck or train, by sea on boats, or in the air on planes.

What is Afghanistan in square miles?

Afghanistan has a total land area of approximately 251,830 square miles.

Is Afghanistan an island nation?

No, it is land locked.