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It's normal, even in good relationships, to fantasize about others, but people make the choice not to seek out this other person or attempt to make the thoughts become reality. The reality will not live up to the idealized fantasy person. Crushes are best left as fantasies if either of the people are already in a relationship. If someone feels unhappy in their marriage, they need to be honest with their spouse and possibly seek counseling. Having an affair won't solve a married person's problems, and having an affair with a married person almost never works out and causes even more pain and stress for everyone involved.

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Q: If a guy married the first woman he met at his work and had kids right away and still works in the same company but seems to have a crush on someone else is he happy in his marriage or not?
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It depends. For the married person, it is against Bible principles to seek companionship out of the marriage arrangement. If they are unfaithful to their marriage mate, they probably would be disfellowshipped and expelled from the congregation. For the single person, it is against Bible principles to seek romantic companionship with someone who is already bound in marriage. If they have relations with someone they are not married to, they probably would be disfellowshipped and expelled from the congregation. Now, if the single person has a "crush" on a married person or the married person is unaware of their feelings, there is valuable counsel from the Bible on how to stop that process from continuing and avoiding a bad situation.

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No. But he can develop a crush on someone. Who he likes is different depending on who you married.

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You're married--you're basically walking into a huge mess if you get involved with her. If you're bored with your marriage, there's an option called divorce. Your wife might become aware of your texts and flirting and decide to divorce you first. This woman actually has some sense--she may enjoy turning you on, but maybe she's not stupid enough to get with a married man.

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First off, if someone if having sex they shouldn't be using the term crush...i did that in 5th grade. Plus, this crush is probably just him thinking your hot. don't mess up his marriage for sex. DONT HAVE SEX WITH HIM YOU WILL GET PREGNANT AND DIE. good day

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Usher is married!!

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Just as your crush.

What do you do when you love someone but at the same time you have crush?

Well love and crush are 2 different things if you love someone then your heart belongs to them if you have a crush on someone then you like them and they make you laugh so if i were you and i loveed someone but at the same time i had a crush on someone i would choose the person i love .

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"marriage" on facebook doesn't necessarily mean anything. it could be a close friend. however if him and this girl are together, i suggest you leave it and move on.

Should I tell my teacher that I have a crush on him hes in his 30s and married im 13.?

No that is not okay. The fact that he is married should make you forget your crush on him.

How do you forget someone that you used have a crush in?

you just think about someone you have a crush on at the moment and you will eventually forget

Is it a natural thing to have crush on someone in teenage?

Yes, it is a natural thing to have a crush on someone when you are a teenager.