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Q: If US has lost the Mexican American war how would life in the US and in Mexico be like today?
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How would a Mexican-American citizen today summarize the war with Mexico?

kill them selfs because there are dumb asses!

Who annexed Mexico?

I guess you mean NEW Mexico. That would be the United States, after the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

Can two Mexican citizens who were married in Mexico get a divorce in California?

No, Mexican citizens can't get divorced in California if they were married in Mexico. One of the parties would need to be an American citizen.

Opponents in the Mexican American War?

That it would increase the number of slave holding states.

How would the annexation of Mexico have differed from previous territorial aquisitions?

Previous acquisitions were land purchases; the Mexican Cession was the result of war with Mexico (the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848).

Will a child born in Mexico to a Mexican mother and a US father be list as Mexican or US citizan?

It would be both Mexican American with equal rights. The child would be considered to have dual citzenship, But the parents can also petition to have the child considered 100% Mexican or 100% American, I believe that it would be their choice.

What if the US did not win the Mexican American War?

It would be a very different world today.

Which 2 countries fought in the Mexican American war?

At a wild guess I would say Mexico and US of America.

What is the main animal of Mexico?

If you are asking about the animal found in national symbols, that would be the American Eagle (not of the bald variety). It is found in the Mexican coat of arms and on the Mexican flag.

What contributes did Mexico made to society?

To which society are you referring to? American? The most important would be the stereotypical cowboy, which was copied in its entirety from Mexican cowhands working in the former Mexican territories, which include Texas, New Mexico or California.

What are you considered to be if your parents were born in Mexico and the children were born in the US?

You would be the classic example of a second-generation Mexican-American.

What would most appropriately be called a basic cause of the Mexican War in 1846?

American desire to own north Mexico