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The answer is a tossup, if the question is asking about verbal combat, not an actual fight. Thomas Jefferson hated and avoided conflict, and usually said very little, but he was always listening to what other people were saying. Jefferson was one of those people who would remember a remark and bring it up five years later to your discredit, which was exactly what he did with Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton was volatile, thrived on conflict and usually had much to say. In retaliation to any insult he would come back with a longwinded, sharp-tongued answer, but he would often come to regret it later.

In the short term, Hamilton would win, but he would make several remarks he'd come to regret. In the long term, Jefferson would win, because he would remember the remarks, bring them up again later, and twist the context around as to make Hamilton sound worse than he actually was.

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They were each better for different reasons. Some of Thomas Jefferson's writings still inspire people today. Alexander Hamilton did more to create the foundations of our nation and to unite

system, economic system, government system, financial system, military system, etc.

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Q: If Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson got into a fight who would win and why?
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