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Q: Identify the correct time order of these events. Hellenistic Age Greco-Roman Age life of Alexander the Great Golden Age of Greece Greco-Roman Age Golden Age of Greece Hellenistic Age life of Alexander?
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What do you call a person who worships the Greek gods?

Such a person is a monotheist.

When he invaded Egypt it was controlled by Persian and was part of the Persian Empire?

Correct if 'he' is Alexander.

Did Thomas Jefferson found the Federalist Party?

Alexander Hamilton and James Madisonedit: this is not correct. The Federalist Party was founded by Alexander Hamiltion and John Adams. (James Madison, best buddy of Thomas Jefferson, founded the Democratic-Republican Party)

How do you say the word correct in Japanese?

The adjective 'correct' (as in a correct answer or the correct way to do something) is tadashii (ただしい). The verb 'to correct' is teisuru (ていする).

What role did Ancient Macedonia play in spreading Hellenism?

Correct Answer: Alexander the Great created trade routes that disseminated the Greek language, customs and civilization which were then fused with local culture and spread further. After his death his generals maintained the process until the collapse of their empires. By then new empires had emerged and they fused Hellenism with their own culture spreading the Greek civilization further still, impacting the whole world to the present day. ______________ Alexander the Great and his generals were Macedonians. When Alexander took over the Persian Empire he tried to introduce Greek culture as a 'civilising' influence. After his death his generals divided the empire amongst themselves ad kingdoms and continued the process - with limited success.

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