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Q: Identify attributes of both effective and ineffective judges?
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What kind of laws is congress prohibited of passing?

There are no effective prohibitions - nothing that lawyers and activist judges can't get around.

Why do judges have different flags?

Judges from different countries have different flags to represent their country's judicial system and demonstrate independence and sovereignty. The flags often incorporate national symbols, colors, or emblems that are unique to each country's culture and heritage. It helps to distinguish and identify judges when they are participating in international events or collaborations.

What is posseive noun for judges?

The possessive form of the plural noun judges is judges'. Example: The judges' decisions are final.

Who are the 14 Judges in the Book of Judges?

Deborah ~ Judges 4:4 Otheneil ~ Judges 3:9 Ehud ~ Judges 3:15 Shamgar ~ Judges 3:31 Gideon ~ Judges 6:36 Abimelech ~ Judges 9:22 Tolar ~ Judges 10:1,2 Jair ~ Judges 10:3 Jephthah ~ Judges 12:7 Ibzan ~ Judges 12:8 Elon ~ Judges 12:11 Abdon ~Judges 12:13 Samson ~Judges 16:30, 31

Who were the judges?

There were total of 12 Judges in the book of Judges.

what is the collective noun for judges?

The collective noun for judges is a "bench" of judges.

What is the plural possessive of judges?

The possessive form for the plural noun judges is judges'.This is because the apostrophe of possession is to be placed after the noun. The noun in this case is judges. Therefore, the apostrophe is placed after the 's' at the end, to form judges'.

What is the plural possessive form of judges?

The plural form is judges; the plural possessive form is judges'.The judges' cars were vandalized in the courthouse parking lot.

What are the different types of judges and how much money do they make?

There are various types of judges, including federal judges, state judges, administrative law judges, and magistrate judges. The salary of judges can vary depending on their jurisdiction, level of experience, and the type of court they preside over. Federal judges in the United States typically earn between $200,000 to $300,000 per year, while state judges may earn anywhere from $30,000 to over $200,000 annually. Administrative law judges and magistrate judges usually earn salaries in a similar range to state judges.

Is Justice James S Casebolt Democratic or Republican?

Judges typically do not run with party affiliations or endorsements, claimed or otherwise, and usually don't identify themselves by party. Judgeships are intended to be non-political appointments. The political leanings of a judge can sometimes be determined by the politician that appointed them, but judges often change over time.

How many judges in india?

There are about 3,500 judges in India. The largest number is made up of the district court judges who add up to over 2,600 judges.

What type of judges are there?

There are many types of judges, including federal judges, state judges, appellate judges, trial court judges, administrative law judges, and magistrate judges. Each type may have specific jurisdiction and responsibilities depending on the court system in which they preside.