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Q: I told the second continental congress that the 13 colonies no longer owed loyalty to the british kingh?
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Who said I told the second continental congress that all 13 colonies no longer owed loyalty to the British king?

John Adams told the Second Continental Congress that the 13 Colonies did not owe loyalty to the British King.

Who told the continental congress that the 13 colonies no longer owed loyalty to the British King?

Im not 100% sure, but I think it was Thomas Paine

Who told the Second Continental Congress that the 13 colonies no longer owed loyalty to the British king?

Im not 100% sure, but I think it was Thomas Paine

Who is the second continental congress that the13 colonies no longer owed loyalty?

John Dickson

How did the colonists loyalty affect the second continental congress?

They passed resolutions that favored both negotiations and a tough stance against the British government.

How did the Second Continental Congress pursue a peaceful settlement with Britain?

Well they tried the Olive Branch Petition but Britain sent it back with Hessians which are German soldiers who are hired to fight. And then they had the Revolutionary War. Hope that helped you. -Susu :]

What happened to the Loyalists after the war?

The loyalists were individuals that lived within the colonies yet still gave their loyalty to the British. After the Revolutionary War many of the loyalist left the colonies to live in Canada territories.

How did the continental congress try to make peace with great Britain?

It sent the Olive Branch Petition to the King, affirming loyalty and entreating prevention of further conflict.

What was the impact of salutaty neglect on englands colonies?

The American colonies did not feel any loyalty to Britain. After centuries of controlling themselves, they did not feel that the British could step in and order them around.

When and why did the English colonists begin to withdraw their loyalty to the King?

When the King imposed various taxes on the colonies. The colonies protest the various tax and laws which made them end up in a Revolutionary War. The British wanted the colonies to pay for the French and Indian War.

What were the goals of the first and second continental congress?

the first one declared loyalty to the king and boycotted British goods and also called for each state to start armies also they said that the intolerable acts were not right the second wrote the declaration of independence and started coming up with a form of government. VERSACE VERSACE

What is the document that colonist is pledged their loyalty to King George and asked him to repeal the Intolerable acts?

First Continental Congress wrote the Declaration of Rights