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The Georgia being talked about on the news is near Russia, not the Georgia in the US or elsewhere.

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11y ago

No tanks from Russia. No need to worry. I would suggest you quit watching old movies like Red Dawn.

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Q: I live in Georgia but I don't see Russia nowhere not even sound but they says theres tanks should I be worried?
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You live in Georgia but you dont see Russia nowhere not even sound but they says theres tanks should you be worried?

There's a Georgia in Russia too.

On the news they said Soviets invaded the US in Georgia but I dont see them should i be worried?

Do not worry. The Russians have not invaded any part of the United States or it's properties. They have attacked the country of Georgia which used to be part of the USSR back when Russia was a super power. It used to be called Soviet Georgia and it is on the other side of the world. It's not Georgia, North America - it's Georgia, former Soviet Union. Edit: This has the be the funniest question ever.

Did Russia invade Georgia?

Russia invaded Georgia in order to protect the interests of South Ossetia. The Georgian military had attacked South Ossetia because it claimed that Georgian towns had been fired upon and was responding to those attacks. Russia has strong ties to South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Russia is not willing that these regions should lose their ability to govern themselves without interference from Georgia. Georgia, on the other hand does not want to be subject to attacks from the South Ossetians. Georgia itself was once a part of the Soviet Union but won its independence from it in April of 1991.

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