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Q: How wouldthe british dumping ameican hurt business?
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Did the British ever figure out who was responsible for dumping the tea in the Boston tea party?

no they didn't

Were the colonists justified in dumping he british tea into the harbor?

It depends on your perspective. The colonists would say yes. The British would say no.

Would the colonists have been justified in dumping the British tea into Boston Harbor?

For the colonists the answer is yes. To the British the answer is no. It all depends on who's viewpoint you are looking at it from.

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He is currently dating Sophie Edwards, a British girl, after dumping Sharni Vinson.

At the end of the war of 1812 did british manufacturers begin dumping their goods in America at extremely low prices?


What is the real name for 'The Dumping Ground'?

Stowey house in the story of Tracy beaker, Elmtree house in Tracy beaker returns.

What are the types of dumping?

1. Persistent dumping 2. Sporadic dumping 3. Predatory dumping

What are the most famous action that the Sons of Liberty took to protest the British Tea Act?

dumping the tea in Boston Harbor.

What is sludge dumping?

sludge dumping is dumping "stuff" from toilets into the ocean

What is a sentence for dumping?

I heard that Jane is dumping her boyfriend tonight.He begins illegally dumping the rubbish by the side of the road.The killer was caught dumping the body.

What did the colonists think of these new laws?

If you mean England, the colonists hated the new laws because of the taxes the British were dumping on the colonists and how British was trying to control them. the 13 colonies eventually didn't like the british acts so much that they rebeled.

If dumping is beneficial or not?

what sort of dumping do you mean? lol