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Tell them it has diesease

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Q: How would you persuade people to not eat turkey?
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Do turkey eat turkey for Thanksgiving?

No, because if they eat other turkey for Thanksgiving it would be like you eating other people.

What did people eat during Thanksgiving?

They would have hunted a Turkey.

What did people eat at Thanksgiving?

Most Likely, they would have hunted a Turkey.

Do people eat Turkey?

Of course they do, we all eat Turkey on thanksgiving

Do more people eat Turkey on Christmas day or do more people eat ham?

More people eat Turkey on Christmas day then people eat Ham.

How many times do turkey people eat?

Holy sh1t there are turkey people 0_0

Do turkey vulture eat people?


Do People from Turkey Eat Turkeys?

it isnt very popular in turkey

What eat a turkey?

Turkeys eat people

Does turkey bacon come from pigs or turkeys?

turkey. that is why jewish people can eat it

What do you eat on thanxgiving?

You mainly would eat turkey, squash, and potatoes, but people do add extra food or change the food to fit their culture.

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