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Q: How would the name Rebecca be written in Egyptian hieroglyphics?
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What written works would be inside a pyramid of Egypt?

Hieroglyphics. Or as known as ancient egyptian.

What would the words 'the world is yours' look like in Egyptian hieroglyphics?

Egyptian hieroglyphics are pictures so the phrase would be a combination of images/pictures.

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Hieroglyphics? Like ancient Egyptian writing or something? Why would they ever cause problems?!

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Were Egyptian girls taught to write hieroglyphics?

It was rare, but occasionally a girl would be taught hieroglyphics. Most schooling was open only to boys.

What is a good way to learn hieroglyphics?

The majority of the ancient Egyptian language is written with only about 700 characters. A good start would be to make flashcards and memorize the characters and their meanings/pronunciations.

What does Cleopatra's cartouche mean?

A cartouche is a person's name written in hieroglyphics. It is a line, sometimes two, of hieroglyphics with a circle around it. Cleopatra's cartouche would simply be her name written in hieroglyphics.

What where ancient egiptian human expressions?

THis is the answer to < What (were) ancient Egyptian human expression? These would consist of their writing system hieroglyphics, Egyptian nile dancing, and much more. :)

What would the size be of a hieroglyphics?

Hieroglyphic characters can be written in any size.

How is Duamutef spelled in hieroglyphics?

Duamutef, one of the Four Sons of Horus, is typically represented in hieroglyphics as a jackal-headed deity. In the ancient Egyptian writing system, hieroglyphs are used to represent sounds, so the exact spelling in hieroglyphics would depend on how it is transliterated into Egyptian sounds.

How do yo use hieroglyphics in a sentence?

Hieroglyphics was the system of picture writing used by the ancient Egyptians. An example of this word used in a sentence would be, "The ancient Egyptians kept excellent records of their society via the use of scribes who used hieroglyphics."

Why did the Egyptian build tombs?

The Egyptians built tombs to keep and protect mummies they would also decorate the insides with hieroglyphics and make traps for trespassers.